Creative Strategy

innovating ideas and strategies, engaging with target audiences, and driving brand growth

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my services


from trending organic concepts to static ad ideation, I ​transform creative ideas into top-performers that ​align with your target audiences.


I create organized, straightforward, and converting ​briefs for creators to follow in the content creation ​process.

competitor analysis

let’s see how your brand compares to your ​competitors -- I conduct weekly research on your ​competitors to identify current trends and rework our ​content strategies.


as a direct response marketer myself, scriptwriting is ​second nature to me. I create effective scripts that ​drive viewers to take a desired action while ​maintaining an organic voice.

creator sourcing

with a vast knowledge and understanding of the ​UGC/content creation world, it’s easy for me to bring ​our ideas to life with the highest-quality creators. ​from sourcing and negotiating, to finalizing and ​posting, I take care of everything in the creator ​process.

performance thesis

I’ll analyze your current creative statistics and assets, ​while pointing out your strengths and weaknesses. ​our marketing strategy will always be growing and ​changing to best fit your brand’s needs.

why trust my ads?

let’s check out some ad scripts I came up with...

*ad is currently running

the analytics speak for themselves!

why trust my organic concepts?

let’s check out some organic videos I came up with...

packing the essentials

trend mashup

product launch

restaurant review

match the product to the song

why trust me?

I’ve grown my own personal accounts because of my creativity, consistency, and ​direct-response-driven content.

These are just a few of the brands that rely on me ​for content, -- organic concepts and ads!

This is what a Creative Strategy client had to say about my services!

concepts per month


STARTER | 6 videos/month

BEGINNER | 10 videos/month

INTERMEDIATE | 15 videos/month

ADVANCED | 20 videos/month

EXPERT | 25-30 videos/month

get to know me

Thank you for checking out my Creative Strategy services!

I’m Mia --

a digital marketer, UGC Creator, micro-influencer, and creative strategist based in NYC.

I’ve been in the social media space for 6 years and I grow to love it even more every single day.

Brands and creators recognize me for my authenticity, charisma, and ability to create engaging content in a moment’s ​notice.

I’m more than confident I’d be a valuable asset to your marketing strategy.

Let’s hop on a call and discuss a package that works for you!

Email me at to book a discovery call.

get in touch

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(my UGC portfolio)